CloudTech ERP

NetSuite’s Inventory Management System — best tool for the new normal

Managing and organizing inventory through spreadsheets, multiple applications, or pen and paper while dealing with fluctuations in demand, and seasonality, supply chain and the natural life cycle of a product can be a challenge for businesses.

It is important to understand raw materials and products and securing the availability of stocks when they are needed, and how long they will last.

Having too much materials in inventory may depreciate the product’s quality whether it is perishable or not. When there is too little, there is the possibility of not meeting customers’ demand and/or losing their business completely.

An automated inventory solution offers visibility across all channels, tracking orders and fulfillment to and from customers and suppliers ensuring customer satisfaction while saving businesses’ time and money.

The objective is for businesses to have a just-right level of inventory at any given time, with some allowance for emergencies and disruptions like a pandemic-driven lockdown. 

An inventory management system can be expensive due to the time and money being saved. And for it to run as intended, there is a minimum hardware infrastructure required and further upgrades from time to time.

Business organizations’ demands continue to evolve and always require new solutions. While traditional (i.e., on-premise) inventory systems have proven to be effective, it may not likely answer the needs of this new normal, global environment.

The Netsuite Inventory Management System takes advantage of the cloud-based convenience of the Internet. It provides the needs of companies that follow newer business models that focus on efficiency and output rather than fixed assets and old methods.

The Netsuite Inventory Management Software is a functional and effective alternative to the entire on-premise ERP system such that customers do not require to spend an enormous cash outlay before using it. Rather, customers pay a fixed amount every month, eliminating the need for costly upgrades.

Netsuite further provides flexibility and agility aside from the usual benefits of an inventory management solution. Users can stay on top of things now that remote working is becoming the norm for the most professionals, and while COVID-19 still restricts movements of goods and people. 

With the help of Netsuite, companies can conveniently keep track of their business from any location. Now that vaccines are being developed and distributed, it will bring back recovery for businesses and economic activity. This solution is going to be more important than ever given the new demands of a post-pandemic world.

Marj Enriquez
Author / Marketing Head CloudTech ERP

Marj is Marketing Lead at CloudTech, with over 5 years of industry expertise, specializing in crafting innovative campaigns that drive tangible results and resonate with diverse audiences. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of digital marketing, with combination of strategic prowess and understanding consumer behavior to shape the future of the industry.



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