CloudTech ERP

In This Day and Age, Cloud Puts the C in E-commerce

E-commerce has always been powered by cloud technology. The pandemic-induced lockdowns beginning 2020, however, convinced consumers just how much a part of everyday life cloud technology is.

Retail businesses who have expanded to the cloud realize the tremendous advantages of putting up their business not only onsite but through the internet.

Cloud makes for scalability.   

Cloud computing satisfies the evolving needs of e-commerce. It helps companies to adjust their size up or down in response to traffic, business challenges, or seasonal changes. It also helps with demand management and work balance.

Cloud offers stability.

Another major advantage is the cloud’s reliability in terms of performance. You have a dependable and predictable performance during periods of substantial traffic surges or promotional campaigns.

Cloud assures you of security.

Even though different providers could offer a range of services, the cloud typically offers PCI-DSS certified hosting, which is necessary for GDPR compliance. Modern security measures are now available in the cloud to shield your website from DDoS assaults and other dangers.

Cloud gives you speed.

Your online store’s efficiency and usability may be enhanced by switching to the cloud.

Cloud allows you to save.

Because you only pay for what you use, the use of the cloud may result in significantly cheaper costs than traditional hosting, if properly planned and implemented. These costs often relate to operations rather than capital.

Finally, here are trends and developments to watch out for as the cloud evolves and e-commerce becomes even more a fixture in people’s routines.

Big Data

It is surprising how much data the modem service providers gather. Internet retailers are not an exception. But how will this information be processed, shown, and applied going forward? When properly cared for, it can:

get a deeper understanding of each process;
better comprehend the customer’s journey;
forecast shifts in demand and seasonal peaks;
optimize the price;

Artificial intelligence

Numerous shops heavily rely on AI to improve customer personalization and the shopping experience. Some companies are using AI in their customer support, chatbot, and virtual assistant systems. Others focus on demand forecasting to make wiser choices regarding their digital marketing strategies. AI is most urgently required in hyper-personalization in e-commerce to improve the shopping experience.

Omnichannel marketing and shopping experience

Whether we’re discussing social media, mobile commerce, or both, the border between online and offline is fuzzier than ever. Some e-commerce companies are already experimenting with IoT solutions and ML learning algorithms to engage more customers. Additionally, it will help companies improve their digital marketing tactics, especially when targeting customers who enjoy doing research online before making a purchase.

Back office improvements

The foundation for thriving retail and internet trade was not disregarded. Utilizing the cloud might significantly improve delivery, inventory, and supply chain management processes. E-commerce companies have a significant need for cognitive supply chains, sometimes referred to as self-learning, predictive, adaptable, and intelligent systems. They help companies reduce inventory expenses and improve customer service.

Marj Enriquez
Author / Marketing Head CloudTech ERP

Marj is Marketing Lead at CloudTech, with over 5 years of industry expertise, specializing in crafting innovative campaigns that drive tangible results and resonate with diverse audiences. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of digital marketing, with combination of strategic prowess and understanding consumer behavior to shape the future of the industry.



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