CloudTech ERP

The One-and-Done Solution for Distributors

Wholesale distributors are facing a competitive market. How can they safeguard their business given the pressure to cut costs and improve margins, and given the greater demand from customers who now buy online as a result of COVID-19?

Cloud technology has helped wholesale distributors stay on top of their game — with or without a pandemic.

Among the known pain points of distribution companies is how to reduce operating costs especially at a time of uncertainty and instability.  Coming next is managing expectations of growth, as well as dealing with greater competition. 

To address these concerns and cope with greater demand, distribution companies have turned to enterprise resource planning. ERP could be on-premise, or cloud-based, but the latter is generally seen as superior. Cloud-based ERP allows companies to integrate their various units in a single solution and users to access valuable information from wherever they are, at any time of day. 

Cloud-based ERP solutions provide greater visibility to the companies using them. It is not a surprise that with greater visibility comes an improvement in profit margins.

One such cloud-based ERP solution for distributors, NetSuite, has been named number one by no less than Gartner Magic.  NetSuite removes the pressure of day-to-day order processing, inventory control, purchasing, and more. 

It’s been called the “one and done” solution. It is a cost-effective, easy-to-use and agile solution that promotes innovation and growth. Wholesale distributors can allot their time running their business instead of spending time trying to patchwork solutions.

NetSuite for distribution firms manages Cloud ERP, Financials, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain & Warehouse, eCommerce, and more. 

Distributors love the feature of one fully connected system. It helps business management over products, inventory, retail analytics, customers, and sales. And because it is a single cloud based-system, it is always easier to manage and collaborate with big-picture features plus with detailed and accurate reporting.

The complete, comprehensive solution of Netflix enables businesses to manage back-office, customer service, inventory and finance. NetSuite also provides business insights that optimizes the pick, pack, ship process, therefore a faster and cost-effective delivery.

Marj Enriquez
Author / Marketing Head CloudTech ERP

Marj is Marketing Lead at CloudTech, with over 5 years of industry expertise, specializing in crafting innovative campaigns that drive tangible results and resonate with diverse audiences. Passionate about pushing the boundaries of digital marketing, with combination of strategic prowess and understanding consumer behavior to shape the future of the industry.



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